
Anopheles mosquitoes, malaria vectors

Anopheles vestitipennis

Anopheles vestitipennis mosquito, malaria vector

The duration of the gonotrophic cycle and survivorship of Anopheles vestitipennis Dyar & Knab was estimated in 2 malarious areas of Chiapas, Mexico: the Lacandon Forest and the Pacific Ocean Coastal Plain. Blood-engorged females held in an outdoor cage required 2.75 d for egg maturation, and 3.75 d for the duration of the gonotrophic cycle.

Anopheles punctimacula

Anopheles punctimacula mosquito, malaria vector

Larvae were taken in deep or sometimes partial shade in the following types of water: stream pool with clear water, in grass along a clear slow-moving stream with abundant vegetation, along a swamp margin, and in deep water of a large swamp. Adult females bite man and domestic animals and have been collected in Shannon traps, stable traps, horse traps, in corrals, and from human bait. (Wilkerson 1990:235)

Anopheles balabacensis

 Anopeheles balabacenesis mosquito, malaria vector

Anopheles balabacensis inhabits forested areas. The immature stages are principally found in shaded temporary pools of stagnant fresh water, including puddles, animal footprints, wheel tracks, ditches and rock pools. Larvae have been collected in animal wallows in primary forest in Sabah. They are sometimes found at the edges of swamps, streams and rice fields, and less frequently in containers (e.g. coconut shells, cocoa pods, barrels, drums and buckets) in shaded, partially shaded or sunny locations.
